Unexpected Blessings

by Jeannie Koehler, Finance Director

It’s all about expectations. Boy, I sure had some high expectations when I was hired for this job! I really should have set them higher. I expected to be challenged to learn a new skill. I expected that it would be nice to be able to see my children during the day and drive to/from the school/work each day and how convenient that would be. I expected that it would be nice to earn a paycheck after so many years staying home. What I did not expect was that my emotions would take a daily rollercoaster ride, usually ending in such deep, deep gratitude to be working in this place, and seeing the work of God through our administrators, teachers, coaches and parents.

I never expected to meet families who put everything on the line to send their kids to school here. Their sacrifices usually so hidden from common view, as they put on a grateful face and send their kiddos off to their classes. Because they know, and value, that their children will hear the Word every single day, preparing them to be salt and light and yes, letting them build and grow their faith in a bubble, for now. And I never expected to be so incredibly heart-broken when a family is led to pursue other academic institutions. I can’t help but wonder what we could have done better for them and I know our staff feels the same way. And we genuinely miss them.

I never expected to see the “human” side of our teachers and coaches who do so much more than teach our children academic material or how to play a sport. I have heard them share their desire to reach the hearts of our children, and really, truly, rejoice when they share a “God Moment” with one of our kids. I have heard them explain their heart-felt plans to help our kids become life-long learners who are able to discern truth for themselves. I have seen them continue to learn and grow themselves and get excited about passing on new knowledge to our children. I have seen them pray with and for our children, with their whole hearts.

I never expected to have leadership, including our Foundation, who want to make this school the best it can possibly be, with the best possible intentions and hearts for our families. I often hear questions like, “how will families feel about this?” or, “do our families need this?” They have the strongest desire to see our children succeed while they are here and beyond! And to be able to stand firm on the foundation they were taught while they were here. They are not just providing education for pre-k through 12th grade, they yearn for life-long impact on our families!

So as I watch yet another Mom/Dad throw themselves into Library Duty, or Bake Sale or Thanksgiving Party, with their whole hearts, my expectations are filtered through a new lens. I find myself thinking how grateful I am that my children are surrounded by people who want so much more for them, who want Jesus for them.

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